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Choice and Choice Cube

Blog: Choice and Choice Cube

By Jach

A Grouping of Questions with Jach’s Replies from the Online Conferences

Q: Jach, will you discuss making choice, at a level where our reality can change, as we are choosing?

Jach: Good evening. Reality changing as we are choosing … hum … Oh, I know such a place exists and I have been there from time to time. It is exhilarating and it is frightening. More exhilarating, though. [s] I am not sure what to say about it.

I am not sure there are particular steps one can follow to get there. There are certain issues of resonance that can play an important role, however. For me, it is intensity of emotion that is amplified by love. That emotion might be anger or fear or it could be happiness or joy. See, for me, it’s not so much which emotion as it is that whatever the emotion is, I feel it intensely. Intensity in the moment, with focus and complete attention. Intensity. Letting go once the moment has passed. A reality presents itself. I feel the emotion, whatever it is, and I feel it full out. Deep, rich, exuberant, or filled with pain, I feel it full out. But that is not enough. To that intensity, I add love. Beyond fear, beyond anger, what is there? Love. Beyond happiness and joy there is also love. In the depth of every emotion … when we can honestly go deep enough … there is love. With intensity in place, I dive into the love. It is much easier to type it now than it is to do this then, but this is the map I use.

Okay. Intense emotion and now intense love. To this I add a heartaching desire to change the reality. Yeah, heartaching desire. I was going to type heartfelt desire, but that is not it; it’s a heartaching desire. Well, combining these three energies fraught with resonance and then choosing … it can happen.

It doesn’t always happen. But sometimes the reality changes in the moment. Sometimes it changes before the choice is complete. Sometimes it doesn’t. But when it doesn’t, if I take the ‘non-responsive’ choice to become an empowered choice – a choice that has voice (unfamiliar sense) at the first, second, and third power – then the magic often follows in a day or two, or more. So that fourth component of expanding the choice to be voluminous is important, too.

I hope that answers your question. Thanks for asking. [s]

Q: Dear Jach, Listening to the energy recording for the month of April I hear talk about a choice cube, would that be similar to our success cube? Thank you, Jach.

Jach: Hi there, it’s good to hear from you. The choice cube is similar in form to the success cube … I mean a cube is a cube, right? [wink] But the choice cube is defined by the choices that are within it. And the focus isn’t on its dimensions or upon its ceiling, floor, and walls. Rather our choice cube is defined by the fundamental choices that are within it.

Fundamental choices: These are the choices to the third power that we make. These are the choices that form the foundation for all the other choices we make in our lives. They are the choices that do not change unless we consciously change them or … no, I go back to that … unless we consciously change them even if we deny our culpability in the choosing. Some examples: ‘I will never get what I want.’ ‘I will always fall short of my goal.’ ‘No matter what happens, I will always try to control … or will feel sorry for myself, or blame someone.’ You know what I mean here, right? These are foundational choices that we hold onto rain or shine, hail, sleet, or sunny weather.

And they are not all negative. We have positive fundamental choices, too: ‘I will always be curious and want to learn more.’ ‘No matter what, I will always reach to be real and more of my true self.’ These also are fundamental choices that remain in place no matter the conditions or the situation. They are choices to the third power or … choice cubed. (Thus the expression, choice cube.)

Now, being less than a winner, for example, is a fundamental choice we made as children for a variety of reasons. Often those reasons are noble ones … ones seeking a higher or a lofty goal. Often those reasons had to do with being loved or with securing safety for ourselves. For example, to insure that my mother or father would always love me, a child may decide that they will always fall short or always be needy or always be frightened of the world. A child decides to be less than a winner. And that choice is a choice to the 3rd power or a choice cubed.

With that choice in place, all other choices happen within its embrace. Even a simple choice to the 1st power … ‘I am going to this movie rather than that one’ … can be tainted or soiled by the fundamental choice. Maybe it won’t be, but the possibility and potential are there. Or maybe the choice to the 1st power (going to this movie) comes out unscathed, but the choices to the 2nd power may not be so fortunate.

The choices to the second power are the ones that surround the area (choice squared) of the choice to the first power … they would be such things as the choices about getting ready and actually getting my body to the theater. If I have a fundamental choice to be needy, I may have a devil of a time finding clean clothes or a ride to the movie theater. I would probably have to call someone and *need* a ride or something. These are silly examples, but I hope they make the point about the potential impact of a fundamental choice or what is our choice cube.

Thanks for asking about this. It was helpful for me to review this stuff for myself. [s]

Q: Hi, Jach … perhaps you can talk about Choice … especially in this time of rapid change … constantly choosing … choice being the rudder that can navigate the narrows …

Jach: Hi there, … to me, your question begs this reply: Talk about choice? Do I have to? [Smiling] There is so much to say about choice … there always is, isn’t there? Let me think a moment so I don’t end up just rambling on and end up nowhere. [s]

I think about the flow of positive momentum. Lazaris has described it: Love … Intimacy … Magic … Choice … etc. And then I think of it in reverse: Choice, Magic, Intimacy, and Love. By now, each of us knows that choice is keystone to all creation and manifestation; we know that it is cornerstone to all success and happiness. We know that it is seminal to all change; it is the active agent — the yeast — in all creation, manifestation, success, and happiness. All of us are aware and understand it; and most of us know it. And at time of rapid change … at a time when we are dealing with the narrows and the pinnacle of freedoms … remembering this is critical, I think. Even if we are only aware of the phenomena of choice, remembering that awareness can be a calm in the storm of chaos. After all, rapid change means rapid chaos … that may be dark or light chaos, and either way, it is a storm.

Remembering our awareness, our understanding, or our knowing of the phenomena of choice can be the first aspect of that rudder in a storm. It seems to me that remembering the phenomena of choice and then realizing that choice is the root of all magic can be so wonderfully powerful. Choice is the root of all magic and magic is the seed of intimacy. Magic is the seed to closeness, tenderness, vulnerability, and trust. Wow. How do any of us really attain and experience intimacy? How do any of us really attain and experience closeness, tenderness, vulnerability, and trust? How do we attain and experience reduced fears of humiliation and knowing beyond our self-doubt that we are loved, cared about, and known? It’s magic!

Again, choice is the root of all magic and magic is the seed to intimacy, and out of intimacy, our love grows and expands. We have worked with the chain reaction of momentum and we have experienced how love grows and reveals intimacy and how there is magic at the base of that intimacy. We have worked with the choices we unfold in the working of our magic. And this chain reaction of momentum also works in reverse. As we make our choices wise, right, willed, and empowered … magic happens. And out of the magic, we grow our intimacy with ourselves, with the stuff of our reality, with our unseen friends, and with other people (near and far).

With that intimacy or out of it comes greater love. It seems to me that this dance from love to choice and then from choice to love provides a superb way to deal with rapid change. It seems an excellent way to weather the otherwise stormy seas of dark and light chaos. Perhaps this approach can be especially valuable for dealing with light chaos. I say that because over the years, we have developed many ways of working with dark chaos. Light chaos is still an unknown for many of us … and perhaps certain levels of light chaos are unknown to all of us. I also suspect that light chaos is ‘more dangerous’ because of its unknown character and because it is more seductive to fears of negative ego.

As I write that, I think about something Lazaris said during the Global Magic intensive. When he talked of the fourth step: Grace of Mystery, where we can tap into our greatness, he said this step was the most determined and the most dangerous. More people, coming to this step, get lost here. Touching our greatness can be an overwhelming experience for us because of the temptation of negative ego. So I suspect, though I haven’t checked it out beyond my suspicion, that light chaos, like the light shadow, is potentially more difficult and dangerous to work with.

So perhaps the flow of momentum and the reverse flow can be especially helpful here. And, a thought keeps hounding me: Lazaris said that this current evening workshop on Unconscious Presence would be a watershed in our growth. What jumps out at me from that workshop is the mandala of the divine and the experiences of oneness with our unconscious mind. What also jumps out at me is experiencing (if that’s the appropriate word) Essence.

It seems to me that our magic has leapt to an entirely new level. The magic that we have known will still be there; the techniques we have and that we use will still be there, but I think we are beginning to work magic on an entirely new level. The old techniques will still work and they will be a comfort for us, it seems to me, but there is something very new here. I don’t understand it and I cannot describe it; I can only vaguely feel it.

And in this … what? High Magic … choice becomes paramount. I think choice will lift up and be even more present and important. And in that, linking love to choice and then choice to love (through magic and intimacy) feels very important.

Well, I ended up rambling on after all. I will stop now. I hope some of this made sense. I know I will have to read it over to see if it makes sense to me. [vbg] So thanks for asking,

Q: Hi, Jach! Will you say a few words about our choice cubes and how to work with them? Thanks!

Jach: Hi there.Thanks for your question. I find the whole concept of a choice cube to be very fascinating. I really enjoy Lazaris’ description of choice to the first, second, and third powers. I am particularly intrigued by choice to the third power, which basically defines our choice cube. So a few words …

First, the choice cube seems to function differently than our success cube. With our success cube, the distinctions of floor and ceiling and of sides with width or depth are very important and can be very revealing when it comes to understanding the nature of our success and to assessing our relationship with success.

But with our choice cube, it’s not so much the actual sides that are important. I mean, a question about how high or wide or deep our choices are doesn’t make that much sense — and an answer to such a question doesn’t really make a whole lot of difference, as I see it.

The merit of our choice cube seems to be more clearly defined by its content than by its boundaries. We can understand our choices to the first and second power fairly easily. They are the choices ‘in the moment’ (choice to the first power) and the secondary choices that support that in-the-moment choice. But choice to the third power is different. It is a fundamental choice that, once made, remains in place until we change it. They are life choices. Sometimes we come in with them, and sometimes we craft them in our childhood and young adult years. They are sometimes constructed at the worst possible times, like in the depths of despair or in the pits of hopelessness. And they are often made in the hidden places … consciously made, mind you, but often in places that are hidden from view.

These fundamental choices define the space in which all other choices are made. And they are to us as water is to fish. We don’t see them because we live them. We don’t see them because we blind ourselves to when we made them. But they are there. And they are essential to living life. Yeah, essential. No matter how miserable a person’s life may be, it is based upon and dependent upon choices to the third power … upon those fundamental choices that are profound and ever-lasting. So fundamental choices are to us as water is to fish.

How to work with them … One way is to go hunting for the current fundamental choices and then to assess them. The hunt can be done in several ways. First, we could sit down and jot down a slew of choices to the first and second power, and then look for common denominators, recurring themes or threads, or common conclusions underlying those many choices listed randomly. I don’t recommend this way because it can be tedious, but it might appeal to some.[s]

Second, we can look at our destiny, or at what we know of it. Destiny is an intricate combination of fate and fortune along with that which is inevitable in our lives. We can look at destiny that has already demonstrated itself. What has been our fate so far? What have been our core beliefs and what have been our core life choices as reflected and expressed in the life we have lived? What has been our fortune so far? That is, what has been our relationship with abundance … with bounty, autonomy, exalted giving, co-creation, conscious and active participation, and with celebration and triumph?

Based on what has already happened in our lives, what seems or appears to be inevitable? Such assessment can give us a sense, if not a clear picture, of our destiny. And, unless we change, we know that the same stuff is bound to continue. The form may vary, but the function will remain the same. Again: unless we change. So this assessment of ‘what was’ can give us a good idea of our destiny … of the destination … of where we are ‘going to end up.’ Pretty picture or not, within our destiny we can find the choices to the third power, and we thus find the volume of our choices … our choice cube.

Then we can work with those choices … The best way I have found is to work with the recording from Lazaris called Becoming a Winner at Living Life. His description about how we as small children make the choice to be less than a winner is priceless to me. And his challenge: If we were so powerful back then as to be able to make a choice (to be less than the winner) that has lasted this long, then we surely are powerful enough to make a new choice that is as powerful or more powerful. His challenge is terrific. It makes me smile whenever I think of it.

A third way to unearth those fundamental choices is to work with our Higher Self and Future Self at the gateway to our unconscious mind. Those choices are neatly recorded and held in our unconscious. So we can go to the doorway … the gateway … and with our Higher Self and Future Self, we can call those beliefs to come forth in a gentle, non-invasive way. Gentle and non-invasive is very important, and it’s important to sit at the gate and call them forth. If we go into our unconscious to find them, often we go unconscious and re
rieve nothing. But if we sit at the gateway and call them forth and let them emerge from our unconscious, then we have something we can work with. So those are a few ways.

I guess the key is that working with our choice cube isn’t about stretching or expanding the boundaries, as it is with our success cube. It’s about discovering that esoteric content and changing it … changing our beliefs, changing our choices, changing our attitudes and our thoughts and feelings as well. If we change those things at a base level or a core level, then our cube, the volume of choice, changes. Then the everyday choices to the first and second power may be the same as they have always been, but the results, the reality that emerges from them, can be very different. I hope that helps. [s]

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