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In our blog, you’ll find information about metaphysics and spirituality from Lazaris and Jach, excerpts from Lazaris recordings and interviews, travelogues from Jach’s adventures around the world, and Alisonn’s “Soul Writings.”

A Rabbit Hole of a Different Nature (excerpt)

Blog: A Rabbit Hole of a Different Nature (excerpt)

An excerpt from Jach’s post, “A Rabbit Hole of a Different Nature,” in our online community, A Sacred Place Where Magician’s Gather:

Who’s going to win the election? What if Trump? What if Biden?

Here I am, and here we are. I feel as if I’m staring down two very different Rabbit Holes: An election and a future are down there. Which Rabbit Hole am I going to go down? The questions loom.

In my pondering about the Rabbit Holes and the realities to which they lead, I have been thinking about Atlantis. These are the thoughts that tumble around in my mind.

Our Story of Atlantis is basically a Reality Set in which Atlantis existed and was destroyed and destroyed three distinct times. That is the Reality Set we exist in. In other words, that’s the Rabbit Hole we went down.

We have learned that there was another Reality Set, or a different Rabbit Hole, in which Atlantis did not get destroyed. How, what, where, why … we don’t know because we are not a part of that Set.

In talking of Atlantis, Lazaris has pointed out that we failed but that we were not failures. He has further explained that it was a good thing that we failed because that failure set us up to enter the third experiment and to be the founders of a New Spirituality and creators of the New World. That failure allows us to be a part of the conscious evolution of humankind on Earth. The conscious evolution!! It has never happened before, and we get to be a part of it. Why? Partially because we failed in Atlantis. Ergo, had we succeeded in Atlantis, we would NOT be participating in a world becoming new. I paused to let this reverberate.

We exist in a world unraveling and we are in the right place at the right time. In the immediacy there is an election, and beyond, a future, and beyond that more futures, and among them the new world waits for us to let it in. The unraveling of the world is uglier and more frightening and painful than I imagined it would be.

I realize I romanticized it. I knew the old systems would crumble; they had to. I knew the black dogs would tear apart the fabric of reality; it’s their nature. It’s what they do. But I thought, “great, wonderful, I can hardly wait” eager for all the bad structures and systems to fall apart. I didn’t consider that the systems that I admire and rely upon would also unravel. I didn’t consider what it would really look like or feel like or be like.

Here I am and here we are. An election and a future. Two Rabbit Holes. Each paints a reality of the other destroying America. Each offers its own approach for dealing with the unraveling and crumbling the systems and structures of reality not only in America but in the world. Which Rabbit Hole is correct? Which Rabbit Hole will we go down? (continued…)

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