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Shop : Lazaris Series : The Lazaris Legacy Series : The Lazaris Legacy Series: Fear: The Internal War

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The Lazaris Legacy Series: Fear: The Internal War


The Lazaris Legacy Series: Fear: The Internal War

Product #53277


You have fed fear more than you have fed love. Fear has become more potent, but it’s not more powerful than love. You have to invite fear. And you can also disinvite it. ~ Lazaris

In this classic recording, Lazaris talks about the purpose of fear and its positive aspects, which go largely unnoticed or unknown in our current world because, while fear was intended to be a “brake” of sorts, its role has become that of a strange sort of accelerator, with only its destructiveness being focused upon. Lazaris details how to keep it from taking over our lives and explains that if we keep it as a “huge monster” in our lives rather than understanding it and its role, we won’t be able to get its positive messages. He also outlines the reasons we keep fear in place, and how, once we use fear in perspective, it can be a wonderful tool that we can put to work for us. A powerful and life-changing release.

Audio Sample

Price: $24.95

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