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Events & Workshops

Live Workshops

Live workshops are extraordinary. When you take time from your everyday life to be with Lazaris in any form (physical or non-physical), a transforming openness can take place. For many, this openness is most easy to inhabit during the live events. Enveloped in Lazaris’ love and surrounded by the warmth of those who share this spiritual journey, the live events seem to vibrate at a frequency that lifts each one of us.

When I’m at the live workshops I feel an intimacy with Lazaris that I don’t feel anywhere else. The resonance there is like the feeling of coming home, and within that resonance I’ve built deep, meaningful friendships that span decades. Together, with Lazaris, we’ve created extraordinary miracles and magic moments.

~ Bret Simister

Live workshops offer intimate ways to connect with Lazaris. One is the Magic Time, a space created specifically for one-on-one interaction with Lazaris where we can gain insights and receive love. And there is the sacred Crystal Ceremony, an incredibly tender moment where we receive Lazaris’ immense love and the gift of a crystal chosen by Lazaris for us.

The live workshops are full of joy; the joy of community and connecting to kindred spirits. And they are filled with magic: the magic of receiving more love and more healing.

Special Events

Lazaris presents special events from time to time in specifically chosen locations around the world. Registration is limited so that participants have ample opportunity to connect and work magic together.

Vancouver Event Details

Current PPV Workshops

Pay-per-view events are recordings of live events and are offered online for a 45-day period, and you can repeat the discussions and meditations as often as you would like during this time period. When you register for a PPV you can experience and learn from Lazaris anywhere.

During the window of time that a PPV is offered, many people throughout the world will be participating. You won’t actively interact with them. However, knowing other kindred spirits are simultaneously engaged in this specific activity deepens your commitment to the changes you’re working on during the event. Wherever you are in the world, knowing that others are participating at the same time connects you to a larger purpose. For those who prefer a solitary spiritual path, this knowing that accompanies a PPV event creates an especially powerful connection.

When working with the PPVs you may repeat the meditations and discussions in order to deepen your experience.

Legacy Workshops

Lazaris has been presenting valuable, life-changing information in the form of workshops since 1974. We’ve gathered that body of work into an archive we call the “Legacy Workshops.”

The Lazaris Material in all of its forms is timeless and eternal, and workshops Lazaris presented more than 20 years ago are often even more profound today.

Lazaris has explained that he conveys information on different levels because he is speaking to us now and also in the future. This becomes especially clear when experiencing the legacy workshops. Many times, after listening to a legacy recording, someone will say to us (and we have experienced this ourselves) “Wow, I heard something new, something I didn’t hear before, even though I took notes!” It is a magical phenomenon, and this treasured collection of events is magical as well.

The Legacy workshops can be experienced from the comfort of your own home, on your own schedule.

The Lazaris Community

Over the decades, a thriving spiritual community has blossomed among many who work with Lazaris. Explore ways to become part of this love, healing and belonging.
