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Responding to These Troubled Times

Blog: Responding to These Troubled Times

By Lazaris

Dear Friends,

During this trying and turbulent time in the world, Lazaris has responded with a message with suggestions of how to respond as the masterful magicians that we are. A meditative suggestion is also included in order to help us temper the negative energies as well as bring in and augment more positive energy.

Message from Lazaris …

All right. All right. Well, well, certainly so. These are confusing and troubling times. In the frenzy of global activity, in the chaos of the current increasing violence, and with the escalating threats of tragedy and terror, it is increasingly difficult to know where to turn or how to respond. You are a magician, a masterful one at that, but with all that’s happening and with the speed with which these crises are unfolding, it is easy to lose sight of who you are, of why you are, and of how to be who and why you are. You ask for help, direction, guidance … something. We respond.

We have spoken of the prevailing energies of this phase — of these months, turbulent and threatening months — and those energies are present and they do and will prevail. Boredom, yearnings for freedom, awakening human spirit, initiation, gratitude. Each has its positive expression, its potential expression, positively and also negatively. Right now, you are experiencing the negative faces and hearing the negative voices — the excessive, melodramatic, clamoring, and shouting voices — of those prevailing energies.

The world around you is overflowing with the ugliness of boredom and of the longings for freedom — that painful often blind longing to be free or freer. There is beauty in both boredom and freedom, but right now, the ugliness stands out, exists. The human spirit is awakening and it is ripe with the ugliness and constriction, too. During these tempestuous times, it is hard to know what is being set in motion or what is being caused to be, but clearly the resonance of initiation is afoot in the world, and it needs to be active — positively active with its positive resistance — in your reality. Finally, gratitude, the fifth prevailing energy, can emerge from the beautiful and the miraculous, but it can also emerge as people lift from chaos, from turbulence, and from the unknown of tragedy, trauma, and violence. Gratitude flows along the avenues of human dignity, but more often it flows along the avenue of human tragedy.

Gratitude, being thankful. There is a sad irony here. For many within the consensus, it is hard to be genuinely thankful — genuinely grateful — for the positive things that happen in their lives; it is hard to receive, and it’s harder to be beholden. Too often the expressions of such gratitude are uncomfortable or they are no more than automatic phrases. Lip service. However, when a crisis, a trauma, or a tragedy ends — when the negative is abated, it is easy to feel, to genuinely feel grateful. Such gratitude is spontaneous, it’s genuine and it’s real. It is genuinely felt. Such gratitude is seen as a blessing and it is eagerly embraced. Within the consensus, it is easier to imagine gratitude that emerges from the cessation of negativity. It is easier to feel that gratitude. That gratitude —the gratitude of knowing that the worst is over or that it could have been worse — is real for people —more real than the guarded gratitude of positive events. The current prevailing energy of gratitude is real. It is painfully very real.

And in many ways, the cautious times of October have come early. The potential combustion we sensed for October has surfaced earlier than anticipated.

Over the past several years, we have talked of the Crisis of Fear and of this Perfect Storm of Change. We have pointed out to you and you understand that ubiquitous fears and the fears of change generate anger, exacerbate fear, fearful hurt, and the other constricting emotions. As the many global and personal changes are especially and particularly intense right now, the angers, fears, hurts, jealousies, and blames around these changes are also especially and particularly intense. Rage begets violence and for far too many people, violence is a sorry antidote to loneliness and despair. The current violence is an expression of a world in the crises of fear and change. It is also a reflection of people, ordinary people, lost in loneliness and despair, lost in pain and untouched by love.

So what is really going on in the world? As you watch the news, as you read the analysis of events, focus on understanding: comprehending, interpreting, discerning, and assessing. It is also important to work with inference, appreciation, and valuation. It is important to gather information. It is important to listen and to hear the many sides of the various issues that touch your heart and soul.

Who’s right? Who’s wrong? What are the answers and who has them? What should be done? Work with the issues and the questions they spark. Choose, decide, find your answers, but realize they are your answers, maybe answers only for you. Also important, even more important, in the midst of it all, remember who you are and why you are. Yes, it is important to be involved and to be engaged in the world, within the consensus of which you are still a part, and it’s critical that you do what you do, what is your nature, what is your grace: love, dream, work magic, and heal.

Yes, listen, watch, analyze, and figure out what’s right and what’s wrong and find your answers. Work your magic according to your listening, watching, understanding and knowing. But in it all and above all, remember: People are hurting. People are angry and scared. They are in pain. Jealous, envious, yes. Blaming, yes. But they are scared and in pain, lost in rage, loneliness, and despair.

Where to turn? How to respond? If you work your magic to restore love and to heal the angers and fears, to heal the hurt, jealousy, blame, to heal the agony of rage and the excruciating pain of loneliness and the horrific emptiness of despair there is space for the answers, the right, good, and true answers, to fall into place. There is space for forgiveness and second chances. People are broken. Work magic to heal what’s broken.

May we suggest a meditative magical working? If you wish, we will accompany you and we will work our magic alongside you as you work your magic. If you wish, invite us to come along with you. Enter your safe place and imagine a tiny speck of light, no more than that of firefly, a shimmer, a glimmer in the corner of your eye, no bigger than a spark of a sparkler at a summer’s celebration of July. Imagine. Imagine. Imagine. Let us be with you. Then, let us work together to respond to these troubled times.

  1. Pull inward and engage the Magician’s Way within yourself. Touch your vulnerability by listening to your negative ego and the lesser self, to be conscious of their games and strategies, and then listen to your strengths — to the strengths and the virtues of the magician that you are. Align with the many faces of yourself as well as with your future self, Higher Self, and Soul. Sense the Oneness and the Power of One. Connect with the ethers and surrender your sense, your pretense, of separateness. Own your wisdom and let it spiral beyond its boundaries. Open to and call upon your alliances. Then open your heart and mind to receive, and finally accept the guidance and protection. Cloak yourself in the Mantle of your Magic, and let us be underway.
  2. Enter the between of worlds. Open your senses. From the between travel to a hotspot in the world that touches your heart and soul. Imagine that you are there in the between and then step into that reality. Imagine yourself there in the midst of that crisis. Open your senses, familiar and unfamiliar.
  3. Still part of the second step: Then gather the anger, the fear, the painful hurt, and jealousy. Gather up the blame and the rage. Gather up the loneliness and despair. Suck it up. Draw it into you, suck it up. You are strong enough. Gather the negativity from the Elements: air, fire, water, and earth. Also gather it from the individual people, from the ordinary people.
  4. Then, flow love into the Elements; flow love into the people. Flow love into the people from whom you gathered the negativity. Fill the void you created with love. Touch those lost in pain and untouched by love. Touch them. Touch them.
  5. Now flow gratitude. We will help you. We will flow gratitude with you. The world needs gratitude. Flow gratitude that emerges not from tragedy, not from fear and pain, but gratitude that emerges from love and from hope, creative, innovative love and hope. The world needs gratitude that emerges from beauty, enchanted beauty. Flow gratitude. We will flow gratitude with you.
  6. Release your angers, fears, painful hurts, and any jealousies that you are carrying. Let go of your blame, even the blame that has come up as you have been gathering information and determining right and wrong, as you have been judging out of your assessing. Release your rage and the whispers of violence within. Release your loneliness and despair if it’s there. Fill the void with self love. Fill the void with self love and with the other components of the Valued Self. Fill yourself with gratitude. We will help you. Fill yourself with gratitude. We will flow gratitude into you.
  7. Alive with love and gratitude, visualize the resolution you desire. We will visualize it with you. Yes, see the situation changing in accordance and compliance with your will, your imagination and your love. What if you are wrong? Be courageous, be daring, be willing to work your magic even if you don’t have all the answers and even if the answers you have are wrong. Be willing to be wrong in pursuit of what’s right. Be willing to be wrong in pursuit of what’s right, that’s the key. That’s the key.
  8. Sense the wonder and be enchanted. Feel connected. Be enchanted: forgiving, enthused with possibility, compassionate, understanding, creative, beautiful, magical. Be enchanted. Be connected to the energy of the hotspot, to the people in that place, to your Higher Self, your Soul, to us, to the world. Sense the wonder and be enchanted. Feel connected: forgiving, enthused with possibility, compassionate, understanding, creative, beautiful, magical.
  9. And finally: Express your gratitude. Express your gratitude, and return to your world.

You asked. We respond. And now we close, with love, with love, yes, with love … and peace.

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