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Shop : Lazaris Series : Connecting with Lazaris : Accepting the Gifts of the Metaphysician

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Accepting the Gifts of the Metaphysician


Accepting the Gifts of the Metaphysician

Product #7006


The Gifts of the Metaphysician are the Gifts of Knowing, Imagination, Celebration, and Reflection. On this recording, Lazaris outlines a series of four meditations to bring into you these Gifts. It includes a beautiful discussion about what a metaphysician truly is and what living our spirituality is all about. It also includes a “surprise” initiation from the Higher Self, with Lazaris there as a Spark of Light, in which the Higher Self bestows the sword, cup, wand and mirror (disk) that symbolize the Gifts of the Metaphysician. A fascinating sidebar on this recording is Lazaris’ discussion of judgmentalness and how we often fall into it by refusing the positive aspects of opinion, evaluation, discernment, and discrimination which are part of the responsibilities of the metaphysician. (30 minutes)

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Keywords: The Elements, Imagination, Celebration, Reflection, Knowing, Gifts of the Metaphysician Technique, Metaphysician, Judgmentalness

Price: $9.95

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