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Shop : Mystery and Magic : Resonance : Charting a New Course: Living Your Dream, Loving Your Life

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Charting a New Course: Living Your Dream, Loving Your Life


Charting a New Course: Living Your Dream, Loving Your Life

Product #698


Click here for the Tiers of Emotion Diagram

“You are alive. With beauty, goodness, and truth you stand as magicians before a future that is ready to be growing and changing in ways yet to be imagined, unfathomable ways yet to be envisioned. You stand before a future that is ready to be charted anew, a future that is fluid and flexible enough to be transformed, that is waiting for you to define its new course. You stand before a world that is waiting to be created by you.” (Lazaris)

With this welcome, Lazaris suggests that it all begins with visioning. It all begins with the vision of living your dream and with the vision of loving your life. With visioning we can cut through the remaining residue of so many old patterns, we can embrace success and happiness with greater precision and confidence, and we can find more elegant pathways to love, light, and laughter. Then he explores the core of dreaming … an imagery of the future … and visioning … an exceptional expression of something sublimely, exquisitely beautiful. And with that foundation, Lazaris creates a magical map for charting the new course for our futures and for our world. The first step: be ourselves … not being afraid to be who we really are. Lazaris outlines an amazing three-tiered chart of emotions from the highest resonance to the lowest. We can step by step lift our resonance by moving from the lower rungs of the lower tiers to the higher and highest. It’s amazing; it’s astounding. From this first step of being ourselves, we can open to the presence of our soul and we can vision ourselves living our dreams. We can vision ourselves loving our lives. Even before we are literally doing that we can vision ourselves living and loving our dreams and our lives. We can then become a new self and we can conclude by not being afraid of being that new, more magical self. The entire map is a gem rich with possibility and potential. After offering ways of augmenting and embellishing our newly created map for charting the new course … for visioning . . . Lazaris concludes this outstanding evening – this watershed evening – with a meditation.

Audio Sample

Meditation: Meditation

Keywords: Forging New Vision, Tiers of Emotion, Vision, Dreams, Loving Life

Price: $24.95

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