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Shop : Lazaris Series : Discussion Excerpts : Activating the Magics: Transcendence as Part of Daily Life

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Activating the Magics: Transcendence as Part of Daily Life


Activating the Magics: Transcendence as Part of Daily Life

Product #625


(Excerpt from Lazaris Long Weekend Workshop: “Activating the Magics: Transcendence & Metamorphosis, ” Orlando, FL)

It was Sunday morning when Lazaris began exploring how we can bring an esoteric magic into practical application. He reviews the gateways that can lead to transcendent states; he calls them the Transcendent Gateways. Some of the gateways: Depth of Soul, the Unknown, Boundary Dwellers, Goddess Grove. All of them can work; one of them can work most elegantly. Within and through these gateways, we can discover self-transcendent states, and there we can work magic that can be miraculous. From this foundation, Lazaris then suggests that we can amplify the working of our magic and improve our success if we create transcendent receptors in our personal reality. It is a powerful discussion, rich with insight, possibility, and potential; opportunity abounds. This recording (and “Activating the Magics: Metamorphosis”) is a wonderful review for those who participated with Lazaris during that long weekend, and a wonderful guide for those who could not be there. There is no meditation in this excerpt.

Audio Sample

Keywords: Transcendence, Gateways, “Transcendent Gateways,” “Transcendent States”, “Activating Magics”

Price: $19.95

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