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Shop : Workshops : Legacy PPV : 9340 Bounty of Bali Week 3

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9340 Bounty of Bali Week 3


Legacy PPV Bali Week 3: The Bounty of Bali, Unlocking the Shimmering Threads of Remembering, June 2015

Product #9340

9340 Bounty of Bali Week 3
45 Day Access

Keywords: Bali, Remembering, Tradition, Cosmic Memory, Divine Memory

Price: $325.00


You are ready to change in profound ways, you are ready to begin a new direction, a new journey, in your life. You are ready to initiate a new self crafted by your Truer Self and fashioned of uncharted futures, unknown, unfathomable, and unknowable futures‚ a new self rich with hope and enchantment, alive with innovative creativity, and flourishing with gratitude. You are here. You are ready to remember. ~Lazaris

Bali is a land of the gods and goddesses, and Ubud is its heart and soul. Bali is a land rich with Siriun and Lemurian ancestry and tradition, a land of initiation — of setting things in motion, of causing something new to be.

We gathered with Lazaris in Bali to explore the bounty of that unique land, that land “in the between of worlds,” and we found our bounty and so much more. Something significant was waiting for us in Bali, something yet to be revealed. Now you can join Lazaris for an adventure of a lifetime in the mystical and magical land of Bali. You can find the significance waiting for you.

During the week, we plumbed the depths of memory. Beyond our replicating memories and our unseen memories we entered the sacred realm of Cosmic Memory and dipped into the august realm of Divine Memory. We entered through four distinct portals by working four beautiful Rituals of Remembering: The Spinning Night Mirror, the Forgotten Portal, the Potion of the Grandmothers, and Conjuring the Shadow of the Moon.

Woven between these amazing rituals, together with each other and with Lazaris, we explored the Resistance to Remembering, the Power of Remembering, andPreparing Moments to Remember.We worked extraordinary magic by taking bountiful and beautiful moments lifted from our experiences in Bali and “planting” those moments in the cosmic of memory. There, as they blossomed and flourished, those moments revealed treasures, gifts, or secrets about the new self that our Truer Self is crafting. Yes, a new self rich with hope and enchantment. A new self crafted by our Truer Self. We are ready.

Add to the mix, two astounding meditations: Cosmic Healing and Awakening the Harmony and Balance of Your Bounty, and amazing excursions to touch the bounty of the land and of the people of Bali. A stunning week. It can be your stunning week.

This was a life changing week. A defining moment that changed each of us. Welcome to the Bounty of Bali.

Note: Lazaris and Jach created a Talisman especially to work with the magic of this event. You can purchase it here.

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