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Shop : Workshops : Legacy PPV : 9196 Unraveling Co-Creation

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9196 Unraveling Co-Creation


Legacy PPV: Unraveling the Mystery and Magic of Co-Creation, One Day

Product #9196

9196 Unraveling Co-Creation
45 Day Access

Keywords: Co-Creation, Personal Greatness, Great Work

Price: $125.00


"The tempestuous nature of the current major conflicts and crises in your world is changing. It’s not only that the number and kinds of problems are increasing, it’s that the very nature of those problems is changing. The very nature! To respond, you need to change your nature. You need to change the nature — the very nature — of your magic. " ~ Lazaris

Welcome to a day of magic, to a day of intimacy and love, with Lazaris.come spend a special day to unravel some of the mysteries of Co-Creation Magic and to just hang out — to spend some time — with Lazaris. It’s a powerful day to work magic together as one.

To begin to unfold the mysteries, Lazaris begins with a beautiful exploration of the Process of the Magics from Spirit Magic to Confluence Magic. Co-Creation Magic is the liberator. It can set us and our magic free to become more, so much more than we can yet believe, so much more than we can yet imagine. It is the magic of the fathomable and it is also the magic of the unfathomable. Co-Creation Magic reaches beyond the possible.

Such magic is not new to us. We know its fundamental or core expressions: Teamwork, Community, and Spiritual Community. Much of our magic is already Esoteric Co-Creation Magic. But there are more expressions — more voices or faces — yet to explore: Refined Arcane Co-Creation along with Divine and Unfathomable Co-Creation.

We can develop our Fundamental Pattern of Co-Creation with clear definition, focused desire and luminous intent. From luminous intent to luminous love, we can lift to luminous hope with a touch of personal greatness. Following our map, we are ready to negotiate the magic and to allow its commerce beyond our view. Our magic comes alive. Yet, beyond our Fundamental Pattern, there is more, oh so very much more.

The secrets and the magic wait for us in the Oases of Co-Creation. From daring the depths of our apprehensions to standing tall upon our pinnacles of resolve, we can find our compassion alive with Luminous Hope and shimmering with a touch of our Personal Greatness. It’s magic. It’s stunning. It’s co-creation.

To open the portals to the mysteries, come with Lazaris on two mystical explorations: Gathering Co-Creators and Rite of Passage: Becoming an Artisan of Co-Creation.

As we unravel the mysteries and as we reach beyond the familiar, all our expressions of magic can lift to loftier levels. As we reach beyond, we can change the nature — the grace — of all our magic and we can change our nature — our grace. If we will reach , we can change the nature of the world. It’s our Great Work. It’s our destiny.

Come hang out with Lazaris for a day. Welcome.

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