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Shop : Love, Intimacy and Relationships : Love : Defining Moments of Love

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Defining Moments of Love


Defining Moments of Love

Product #376301


… Dazzling and uplifting, it can be an exquisite moment … a defining moment … in which you become whole and more; you become one. We invite you to a moment. ~  Lazaris

The evening begins with a delightful exploration: Not every moment we define as loving is truly a defining moment of love. But when we have those special moments that are defining moments, they can enrich your life with the greater and the grander of love, intimacy, and caring; we can make and work miracles.. . miracles can abound in our reality and in our world’s reality; and the magic of union can become a part of your reservoir and repertoire of magic. Lazaris clearly defines what comprises a defining moment of love and then delineates the components that compose such a moment. Beyond our hesitation and resistance, Lazaris then details a step-by-step ritual with which we can consciously create our own defining moments and become full beneficiaries of the bounty of defining moments of love. The evening concludes with an amazing Meditation / Ritual.

Audio Sample

Meditation: Ritual of Creating Defining Moments of Love

Keywords: Love; exalted giving; wondrous; peak experience; ecstasy; exquisite moment; sacred mystery

Price: $24.95

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