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Shop : Lazaris Series : Video Releases : Infusing the World with the Glamoury of Hope

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Infusing the World with the Glamoury of Hope


Infusing the World with the Glamoury of Hope

Product #53082


Come join Lazaris as he does a stunning working of magic to infuse this year with the creative magic called The Glamoury of Hope. Lazaris creates a crystal grid, as he usually does during a Gathering of Magicians. This grid can become a fountain to which we can return throughout the year for Tempering and Healing Hope and for Purifying and Illuminating Hope. We can bring our newly-formed or well-seasoned hopes to this fountain — and also work there with the flurry and frenzy of hopes in the world. Beautiful hopes can be strengthened and empowered. Distorted and potentially destructive hopes can be transmuted and transformed. The work we can do with this Fountain of Hope can be monumental. This video includes a brief discussion, the building of the grid, and a powerful meditation. (1 hour, 54 minutes)

Audio Sample

Keywords: Hope, Glamoury

Price: $24.95

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