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Shop : Lazaris Series : Video Releases : Crystals: The Mystery & Magic of Ancient One Crystals & Crystal Skulls (video)

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Crystals: The Mystery & Magic of Ancient One Crystals & Crystal Skulls (video)


Crystals: The Mystery & Magic of Ancient One Crystals & Crystal Skulls (video)

Product #20v


There are generators, healers, teachers, and record keepers among your many crystal friends. And then there are the Ancient Ones … ah, the Ancient Ones… what wonders they hold and what wonders can emerge … And then there is the mystery of the Crystal Skulls; great magic lies within their domain. ~ Lazaris

Lazaris’ intimate and loving rapport with crystals goes beyond any words that could be said. The closeness and tenderness, the respect and commitment each comes alive as Lazaris works his magic with Ancient One and Crystal Skull crystals. During this enchanting recording, Lazaris will gently introduce us to an Ancient One: Grandmother, an Ancient One: Record Keeper, and others. Also, he will work with two distinctly powerful crystals, alive with crystal skull consciousness. Amid the loving demonstrations, we can learn of the tradition, provenance, and destiny of these august crystals. We can learn the unique magic of Working with the Ancient Ones, including how to Sit with the Ancients and how to Seek & Receive the Counsel of the Ancients. We can learn practical ways to work with those unique crystals that are rich with skull consciousness. A powerful recording, filled with practical techniques as well as magical inspiration. It’s a spirited recording that can change our relationship with all crystals and their consciousness. 90 min.
(Allow extra time for the download as videos are much larger files than audio.)

Audio Sample

Keywords: crystals, "Ancient Ones", Crystal Skulls, "Skull Consciousness", Sirius, Atlantis, Lemuria, tourmaline, cathedral, sphere, "Future Self", allies, rainbows, "Counsel of the Ancients", Nature Spirits,

Price: $29.95

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