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Shop : Lazaris Series : Blendings with Lazaris : A Lazaris Blending: Reawakening Your Innocence

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A Lazaris Blending: Reawakening Your Innocence


A Lazaris Blending: Reawakening Your Innocence

Product #53203


Never underestimate the magic and mystery of innocence, born of the freshness and naiveté of the child. Innocence truly belongs in the domain of the spiritual adult, where it can blossom and mature with richness and experience. Within it there is quickness, eagerness, vitality, and brilliance. Within it there is boundless creativity, inspiration, and power. Awaken your innocence of the moment for it can be a grand and potent ally upon the new journey of beginnings — upon the journey Coming Home. Out of formlessness, innocence can manifest new hope and opportunity, and new possibility and potential. Out of the formless, it can reveal unrecognized and unrealized resources; it can reveal new direction and motivation.
~ Lazaris
Underlying Truth, 1996, The Year of Wonder

In this beautiful blending, filled with enchantment, Lazaris takes you “back in time.” As time and space peel away and you revisit times of your past, younger and younger, you arrive at the time when you first lost the last threads of your innocence. Perhaps it was a time of wounding; perhaps it was earlier than that. Feeling the presence of the Goddess, you journey even further, to the time when you first began losing your innocence. In the depth of communion with Lazaris and the Goddess, moving together, you find the time when your Soul infused you with innocence … to the infant you once were, sleeping, dreaming, and full of innocence. What a beautiful time to witness. What a loving time to behold. Allow yourself to rest in the grace of your Soul and in the bosom of Goddess … and allow the magic of reawakening your innocence. A healing and restorative time.

from March 2018, The Year of Acceptance

Audio Sample

Keywords: Innocence, Enchantment, Goddess, Healing

Price: $14.95

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