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You Are in the Right Place at the Right Time

Blog: You Are in the Right Place at the Right Time

By Jach

During this Year of Enchantment, Lazaris has spoken often of knowing we are in the right place at the right time. During the recent Online Conference, Jach responded to a question about this phrase. His answer gives a depth and understanding about how this simple phrase relates to belonging, and with that belonging forgiveness. Enjoy.

Q: Lazaris has been saying ‘You are in the right place at the right time.’ I love that phrase and am using it frequently, even when something doesn’t seem to be working, to call forth the resonance of being in the right place at the right time. I’m intrigued by this phrase and wonder if you’ve been pondering or working with it to discover its meaning?


Hi there. Fun talking with you always. [s]

Right place, right time. It speaks to belonging.

Belonging is so profoundly powerful. It is a gift from the Ancients, and that is a metaphor, I think, because belonging is so powerful and so miraculous. When we know we belong — are in the right place at the right time – forgiveness, the elegant and implicit order within the chaos of belonging, is at hand.

As you say, when things are right, remembering that we are in the right place at the right time, that we are where we belong, we can give direction to the moment with forgiveness: forgiving ourselves for our foibles, for our mistakes, for our missteps. Even making those mistakes and taking those missteps are part of who we are and of who we are becoming. We are in the right place at the right time to drop more of who we are not — how can we drop it if we don’t know what it is we are dropping? — and to become more of who we are.

Right place / right time also deals with dropping our illusion of being separate. The core of enchantment, often forgotten or overlooked, is that we are connected to each other and to everything. We are all connected to All That Is and thus to All That Is/Goddess/God. That union, that oneness: Is it the epitome of belonging? I suspect it is.

I find it fascinating that an undercurrent in our world today is the lack of belonging. So much of the anger and rage out there, so much of the fear and hatred on the far right and the far left, is triggered because people feel they don’t belong anymore. The radicals in the Tea Party don’t feel they belong, and the radicals on the left, likewise, feel that they don’t belong. That lack of belonging is making people angry, ragingly angry, and a bit or a lot crazy.

One of the basic hurdles to belonging is the denial of the Dark Wood and another is Fierce Independence, being too fiercely independent. In our world today there are those internationally and in the US who are grasping desperately to hold onto their fierce independence, and that is partly why they feel they don’t belong. You see it in the Far East and in the Middle East. You see it in so many of the hotspots around the world. Independence is critical, I agree. Even fierce independence is valuable, but not too fierce.

Fierce love is even more valuable. [s]

So when we know we are in the right place at the right time, we also know, often without words, that we do belong. We can forgive and come together to work in confluence with one another. I think it’s an answer personally, and I think it’s an answer for humankind, as well. (s)

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