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Shop : By Year : 2010 Year of Initiation : The Art and Artistry of Being Visionaries for a World Becoming New (Evening Only)

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The Art and Artistry of Being Visionaries for a World Becoming New (Evening Only)


The Art and Artistry of Being Visionaries for a World Becoming New (Evening Only)

Product #8749


It is time to unleash the enchantment and the grace of your magic, allowing your imagination to soar and your wisdom to spiral beyond the bounds and boundaries. . . We call you, and your Soul challenges you: Be the visionary for a world becoming new. You’ve been the catalyst; now be the initiator. ~ Lazaris

This evening portion of the Culminating Weekend of 2010 is both powerful and beautiful. After a brief comment on the 2010 mid-term elections and a review of the current chaos in the world (lack of vision, collapse of imagination, loss of belonging, lack of compassion), Lazaris suggests how we can respond to lift our reality and to change our world. The evening unfolds as Lazaris explores:

1) What is vision? (Vision is the state of mind and state of being that captures our attention and triggers greater and grander love and that exposes our limits and reveals our boundaries. It is an attractor that draws the future into the present and draws us into the presence of our future self.)

2)  From where do visions emanate? (They emanate from our “impossible dreams” and our optimal futures; from our interactive embrace of beauty; from the continual awakening of our genius.)

A visionary isn’t just someone who has visions. A visionary is someone who uncovers and discovers visions. A visionary allows vision to guide and change them, allows visions to change the world around them. The discussion continues as Lazaris creates a 7-Step Map for Setting Being a Visionary in Motion.This stunning evening concludes with a meditation: The Rite of Being a Visionary.

Audio Sample

Meditation: Rite of Being a Visionary

Keywords: Vision, Visionary, Enchantment, Culminating Weekend, Imagination

Price: $24.95

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