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Shop : Lazaris Series : Blendings with Lazaris : A Lazaris Blending: The Freedom of Transcendence: Letting Go of Who You Are Not

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A Lazaris Blending: The Freedom of Transcendence: Letting Go of Who You Are Not


A Lazaris Blending: The Freedom of Transcendence: Letting Go of Who You Are Not

Product #53208


In the fires of transcendence, you can discard your old masks and disguises, you can step forth, courageous and free. Upon the winds of transcendence, you can soar, empowered with opportunity. From the waters of transcendence, you can emerge pure, with sparkling vibrancy. From the earth of transcendence, you rise up, new, with invigorating clarity. Tend to the elements of transcendence and many doorways can open. And beyond the thresholds – oh, yes, beyond the thresholds of transcendence, who waits at the dewline of reality? Who waits there for you? Do not rush. Attend the fires, the winds, the waters … attend the earth.
~ Lazaris
Underlying Truth, 1998, The Year of Opportunity

In this healing blending, you can let go of who you are not and let go of the unhealed and unforgiven. As you find the element that speaks to you, be it Earth, Air, Fire, or Water, you can open to transcendence. You can move beyond your apprehension and blend with Lazaris. And in that space of blending, with the boundaries blurred, you can allow and receive … allow and receive Lazaris’ love and help in receiving what it is you want to create. Transcendent, free … you never have to be the same again.

from July 2018, The Year of Acceptance

Music Credits:

Peace to the World, Dietrich von Oppeln, Music for Lazaris 13 [CD]

Into The Night, Dietrich Von Oppeln, Music For Lazaris 3 [CD]

Audio Sample

Keywords: Freedom, Transcendence, Elements

Price: $14.95

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