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Shop : Workshops : Legacy PPV : 9142 Plumbing the Depths of Other

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9142 Plumbing the Depths of Other


Legacy PPV Seeds of Innovation: Plumbing the Depths of the Worlds of Other, Intensive ~ Los Angeles, April 2013

Product #9142

9142 Plumbing the Depths of Other
45 Day Access

Keywords: Worlds of Other, Innovation, Duende, Weaver Woman

Price: $275.00


There is a secret world of wild fantasies and impossible dreams, of paradoxes and contradictions. If you brave this secret world, you can navigate the maze to find the heart of your creativity. There the Domain of Innovation can blossom and unfurl. Take your stand. Dare greatness. Leap. ~ Lazaris

Alone. Still. Waiting for the hush, they stood a long moment at the threshold. They had come so far seeking the seeds of innovation. As well, they sought that thread held dear by their Soul and cherished by their Spirit, that one thread that could lead them to the august heart of their creativity and beyond into the lofty and exalted heights of innovation.

Yes, they had come this far, and now they had to cross the line. They had to leap into the Worlds of Other, into and beyond the domains of faerie, to reach across the span of space-time. There the secrets lie and the treasures wait. They had to dare greatness. They leapt.

We are masterful magicians and mapmakers. With our magic rich with mystery and power, and with our brilliance and personal creativity, we can change our lives, our personal world, and the world around us. Humbly and confidently, we experience this; we know this.

Yet there is so much more. Beyond the magic of creating, we seek the miracles of innovating. We have our personal seed of creativity-innovation, and there are other seeds, more seeds, incredible seeds, and our search, now underway, continues.

Lazaris, along with our Higher Selves and the Grandmothers and Grandfathers, has designed a three-day excursion to enter a secret world to navigate a mystical maze. That world and maze stretch across the span of the universe and beyond the bounds of space-time into the many Worlds of Other and into dimensions beyond our grasp. A vision quest? A grand adventure? When we return, we will not be the same; we never have to be the same again.

Along the way we will explore the Mystery of Creativity, the Reverie of Innovation, and the Secrets of Vision. At the nurturing oases along the way, we will work several stunning rituals such as Celebrating Reverie, Revelations of the Weaver Woman, Dancing with the Duende, Celebrating Grandeur,or perhaps Counsel of the Trees, Guidance of the Stones.

We reached a point of no return during 2012. We have stepped beyond an invisible line, and we are charting new maps and new courses in an uncharted world. Individually, we can work magic and make miracles; together we can change the world.

Come. Join Lazaris and others for a three-day excursion to plumb the depths of the Worlds of Other and to find that secret world. Let’s dare greatness together. Welcome. . . .

Illuminating and Brightening the Domain of Innovation

An Evening with Lazaris

Dare to leap beyond your world to discover, to explore, to come alive in that secret world. Dare. Leap. Be amazed. ~ Lazaris

Beyond our brilliance and genius, beyond our personal creative expressions — when we strip away our reasonable sensibility for just a moment, and when we dare to let our imaginations soar carefree — we can happen upon a rare and beautiful place filled with awe inspiring wonder. We can stumble into the Heart of Creativity, and with clarity and celebration, with exposure and revelation, our creativity can expand, lift, and stretch. If we dare to leap with abandon, we can touch the exalted creativity, innovation. In the light of our presence and grace, we can illumine and brighten that domain. We can emerge Innovators in a world becoming new.

Lazaris has designed a magical working that begins with his welcome and ends with his‚ love and peace. Beyond the words, the magic is woven into the step-by-step exploration of the Mystery of Creativity and Reverie of Innovation. The changes are sparked into action in a stirring ritual, Through the Maze of Curiosity and Wonder.

The evening stands alone as another powerful step to unfold the mystery of the exalted creativity that can change us and change our world. The evening is also a delightful prelude to our excursions to our personal seeds of innovation.

Together, let’s dare to leap. Let’s dare to be amazed. Welcome to an exceptional evening of magic with Lazaris.

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