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Shifting Paradigms… Another Look

Blog: Shifting Paradigms… Another Look

By Lazaris

All right. All right. Well, well, certainly so. Certainly so, it is a pleasure to be working with you; it is a joy to have this chance to explore with you. As we touch in this moment, our goal is not to provide a complete picture. No. Our goal is to stir ideas and to stimulate thoughts and feelings. Our goal, in this touch, is to tickle something deep within you so as to set something in motion – to set that ‘something more’ inside you in motion.

As we touch in this moment, let us look again at a topic that may seem all too familiar. Let us look again at the shift of paradigm that is taking place within the Great Awakening that unfolds all around you.

Yes, we know. Those words – paradigm shift – are ones with which you are more than familiar. We would suggest that despite their popular use, and at times overuse, you are in the midst of a profound evolution. You are in the midst of a massive paradigm shift that we call the Great Awakening.

We speak of it as a tri-polar energy that is attempting to become a uni-polar force in your universe and in your world. We speak of it as an awakening of the domain of spirituality, the field of play of Earth, and the complexity of human individuality. We speak of it as three powerful energies working together to become one … to become one incredible force that can catapult your world into becoming the New World it is now destined to be.

To many, these words can seem as nothing more than hyperbole. Yet, we would suggest, those who know us also know that we do not speak in hyperbole. These words of the New World can sound as glorious fantasy. Yet there is a New World, and, we would again say, it is now destined to be.

And the agent of change behind this Great Awakening? The engine of change beyond the precipitation of the New World? The shifting paradigm. So let us look again …

The Shifting Paradigm

You are in a massive paradigm shift. And we would suggest here that many do talk of it, and that is because the energy or the essence of that shift is present — and becoming so much more present — in your world.

There are many people who have never thought about such things. Suddenly they are having thoughts-feelings – realizations – about this changing and shifting paradigm and about the changing natures of their reality. Some are familiar with the New Age – the New Spirituality; most are not. We would suggest it is indeed an incredible and exciting time, an incredibly exciting time, certainly so.

Predictability … You have been living within a paradigm, the old paradigm, the old fabric of existence as it might well be called, that has been based upon predictability. That elusive predictability has been desperately sought since the Renaissance, so many hundreds of years ago.

Indeed Newton in his discovery of physics was looking desperately for a predictable system, for a mechanism, for a machine, for something of that sort that would explain it all. The hope: If you understood the workings of ‘the machine,’ you could understand the whole of the nature of reality. If you could understand the working of ‘the machine,’ you could understand the workings of God.

We would suggest that in his desperate and indeed quite determined look he came up with the cause-and-effect theory — the theory that every effect has its cause, and every effect becomes a cause for the next effect — a chain-reaction, billiard-ball model of reality, certainly so, machines with cogs and wheels that worked so very precisely.

He felt good and slept well at night (at least for awhile) as he came up with his particular concepts of how the causes and effects of reality worked, of how things happened.

Then there was Descartes. Also searching desperately for some sense of predictability, some sense of solidity, he developed his Cartesian philosophy of ‘I think, therefore I am.’ While Newton looked for a mechanism, Descartes looked for an explanation.

Safe and secure … Trying to explain it all, and having it all fit together ever so neatly, he also was looking for ‘the machine’ – the cogs and the wheels – that would make sense of philosophy and that would explain science. If all became predictable, indeed, all would be good and all would be safe. Man could be secure.

A paradigm emerged: Newtonian physics and Cartesian philosophy. Cause-Effect and Upward Causation combined, and the world seemed predictable and it was good, safe, and secure. So they thought; so they said.

Even with Einstein and his theories of relativity that were introduced in the very early part of the 20th century, and Heisenberg coming in 1935 with his concepts of the unpredictable – the unpredictability of the Principles of Uncertainty — your world has clung desperately to predictability. Your consensus reality still clings desperately to Newtonian physics and to the Cartesian philosophy.

Indeed, the controversy still embroils your scientific community. Even now, so many years later, confronted with the quantum nature of reality and with uncertainty and probability-possibility, people still want to hold out for the mechanical cogs and wheels of Newton and the explanations of Descartes.

But we would suggest that is what is shifting: Newtonian physics is being altered and changed by the discoveries of quantum physics and quantum mechanics. The new physics is rooted upon expectation, a physics based on anticipation; it is based upon what a people believe and upon their attitudes as well as upon the thoughts they are thinking and what feelings they are having. In many ways the new physics is rooted and based upon the decisions and choices that the observer-participants are making.

We would suggest that despite what the spokespersons of traditional science may say, they do know the profound impact and influence of this root and base. We say this because the rigors of your conventional science demand double-blind experimentation. In your world your scientific community demands double-blind experiments so as to eliminate belief and attitude, so as to eliminate thoughts and feelings, so as to eliminate the decisions and choices of the experimenter. In this sensing, it is an attempt to keep the experimenter, who not only is an observer but also a participant, out of the experiment.

And we would suggest here, indeed, if scientists did not already know that expectation and anticipation, belief and attitude, thought and feeling, choice and decision were the raw materials of change – the common denominator of change – they would not be so desperate to eliminate them for experimentation. Keeping them out of there so that everything can remain predictable is indeed the fight, the battle, that goes on.

But we would suggest, it is a losing battle because the new physics and quantum mechanics are now part of your reality. You can no longer retreat. No, the new physics are not replacing classic physics. It is not an either-or world. Rather the new physics are joining the old.

Out of the complexity emerges a new octave. Out of the resonance of the new and the old physics working together as one comes a synergy – a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.

Likewise, Upward Causation is not being replaced, but it is being influenced, altered, adjusted. Within the New Spirituality emerges a new causation: Downward Causation.

We would suggest that when Upward Causation is joined by Downward Causation and each is allowed to be viable, a complexity and a new resonance emerges. The paradigm shifts to a new level – to a new octave.

Upward and Downward … The Difference

To cause upwardly is to say this:

‘The reason that I am late to work today,’ says the person, ‘is because, you see, my alarm clock did not go off on time. And so therefore I overslept. And because I overslept I rushed breakfast, and dropped the plate of eggs upon the floor and had to stop and clean that up. And therefore I was in a real hurry. So when I backed out of the garage, I took out the lawn mower, and had to stop and take care of that and change the tire. And then the traffic … Because I was so late, I got caught in the traffic, and therefore … and when I got to work I was rushing so much I left my briefcase in the car. And now I have got to … And that is why I am late for work.’

As one event builds upon another, brick by brick, piece by piece, the ‘jigs’ of this jigsaw puzzle are fitted together. This, we would suggest, is what is meant by upward causation. It may seem a silly example, but it is a workable one.

Downward causation works differently.

‘For some reason I wanted to be late for work, though I did not admit it at the time. Because of this particular game-play or that particular motivation, I chose to be late for work. Once the effect was in place – once I chose the outcome – I went about creating all kinds of causes. I created oversleeping, spilling the eggs, clobbering the lawn mower, and having to change the tire. I created even more causation as if that were not enough.

‘Why did I want to be late for work? Did I want to feel like I am always too rushed? Did I want to feel martyred – unappreciated, misunderstood? Did I want to feel sorry for myself?

‘What was I trying to gain with the drama of the morning? Was it self-pity? Was I looking to prove something less than admirable about myself, such as I am always late? Was there a twisted attempt to control because being late caused others to have to wait for me?’

The cause begins at the top and works its way downward. We would suggest, it begins with the effect that goes searching for a cause. In this case the desire, however hidden, to be late for work led all the way back to that one ‘first brick’ or ‘first piece’ of the puzzle. It’s another obvious example, but it makes the point and shows the flow of energy … downward causation.

The kick … Now here is the kick, here is the important point: It is not an either-or.

You see — and this is what gets so very frightening to people in your world who live in a paradigm of either-or — it is not either-or. It is not as though Newtonian physics is going to be kicked out and replaced by — elbowed out by — quantum mechanics. It is not as though Cartesian philosophy is going to be totally abandoned in favor of a different spiritual philosophy that speaks in other ways.

No, it is not about one eliminating the other. It is not about a new billiard ball on the table that is going to smack into the old ones and move them off the table. No, we would suggest, they are going to share the table. The new paradigm is not a paradigm of exclusion; it is a paradigm of inclusion.

The new paradigm will include classic Newtonian physics and quantum physics. In this sensing, it will include the familiar upward causation and the less familiar downward causation.

We say again: The new paradigm is not about exclusion – it’s not about a singular authority. It is about inclusion; it is about working together. It is out of this mix that complexity arises.

You are moving beyond a particular paradigm of either-or into a paradigm of and. Both are true, in that regard. Both can be there. You are moving from a paradigm of the actual into a paradigm of the probable and of the possible.


What does this all mean? We would suggest that the meaning comes with understanding complexity. Simply put, complexity occurs when separate and diverse energies come together to function as one without sacrificing or losing their separateness or diversity.

In this sensing, let us give you an example of the complexity principal. Your human body has a heart, a liver, a pancreas, and a brain, to name a few critical organs. Each of these organs is separate and diverse. Heart cells are uniquely heart cells, distinguishable from any other cells within the body. Brain cells are uniquely brain cells. The function of each organ is also separate and diverse.

Yet they function together as if they were one. And we would suggest, they do not sacrifice or lose any of their uniqueness. In this regard, they retain their individuality.

A heart never functions as a liver, and a liver never becomes a heart. Each is individual with its separate function. Though they work together as if they were one, they continue to be individual and separate.

You see, the key to oneness is not sameness: The key to oneness is complexity.

We would suggest, in this context, sameness could be dangerous because it blurs or eliminates the boundaries of diversity. The danger can be most easily seen when considering the oneness of your body. If that oneness were based on sameness, each organ of your body would strive to become the same. As soon as your heart began functioning as your liver, for example, you would be in trouble – serious trouble. Likewise, if your brain yearned to be the same as your heart or liver, the consequences would be terminal.

The key to oneness is not sameness: It is complexity.

Applying this to the shifting paradigm, we would suggest that the current paradigm seeks predictability in an ‘uncertain’ world; it seeks safety and security through the simplicity of an either-or reality. The new paradigm seeks complexity in an ‘uncertain’ world; it seeks safety and security through the complexity of an ‘and-both’ reality.

The new paradigm is one of increased complexity. It is a paradigm that brings together Newtonian physics, quantum physics, upward causation, and downward causation. The new paradigm brings these separate and diverse concepts together to function as one without losing their diversity.

The two physics will work as one, and the two directions of causation will work as one. Neither replaces the other; they work as if they were one – they work together in coordination and cooperation. Complexity.

Key to Transcendence … the Key to Evolution

‘Okay,’ we hear you thinking. ‘So the new paradigm is one of increased complexity. So what?’

A prominent scientist of your world won a Nobel Prize for his demonstrations and scientific proofs that whenever an organism steps into the flow of complexity, that organism can be lifted to a new level – to a higher octave – of existence. We would suggest, this does not mean that the organism becomes a better or more efficient organism; it means that such an organism can be lifted – to a whole new level of existence.

Complexity offers the opportunity of transcendence. To be lifted to an entirely new octave of existence is the essence of transcendence.

Put simply, your current paradigm of reality cannot ‘get you there.’ However, the shifted paradigm – the paradigm of complexity – can create the lift or the potential transcendence to the New World that is now destined to be.

As your paradigm shifts to a paradigm of increased complexity, you and your reality – you and your world – stepping into the flow of that complexity, can be lifted to a whole new level and a whole new octave of existence. You and your world can be lifted not just to a better past or present but can be lifted to a New World.

Here’s the rub … Many are aware that a New World is coming. Those who speak so enthusiastically about the doom and gloom erroneously assume that the only way to get to that new future is through the destruction of the ‘world as you know it.’ They do not understand the shifting paradigm; they do not understand the function of complexity.

However, when you do understand the shift and when you do understand complexity, you can also understand that the key to evolution is not destruction. The key to evolution is complexity.

Rather than gathering canned goods preparing for some New Age Armageddon, we would suggest, people would be better served to develop the skill, the mastery, and the artistry of working with the metaphysics of quantum mechanics and of downward causation. You already are skilled at underst
nding Newtonian physics and at working with upward causation. Now develop your acumen with quantum mechanics and downward causation.

Do this, as we say, not to replace what you know of classic physics and upward causation but to add to what you know. Use what you know as foundation and base. Upon that foundation add the new skill, mastery, and artistry.

Step into the hope … In this sensing, step into the complexity. In the flow of this complexity comes the Great Awakening. In this flow of complexity comes the new hope for the positive future of dreams and visions. In the flow of this complexity, you and your world take a giant’s step toward being lifted to a new level – a giant’s step toward the New World.

The New World is coming, many would agree. The anticipated means of its arrival vary among the many. There are those looking for the doom and gloom. Sadly, they are almost eager for it and jump at any supposed beginning of it. We would suggest, they look in the wrong direction. The means of their anticipations are not the true means of manifestation.

Again, we would suggest, the key to oneness is not sameness; it is complexity. The key to evolution is not destruction; it is complexity.

There is a New World coming. Step into the complexity. Step into the hope. You shall find it.

We love you. And we close …

With love — with love and peace.

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