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Creating Futures

Blog: Creating Futures

By Jach

A Question with Jach’s Reply from an Online Conference

Q: Jach, how do you best vision what you want in an unknown future? I found it becomes increasingly harder to imagine what I/the world would want in 5/15/25 years. I need that juice to want, but if I don’t know what, it is weak.

JACH: Is it weak? No. I don’t think so. [s] Now to the question. I think the best way to work with visioning the future is to be aware that there are several different kinds of futures, just as there is an entire array of potential futures already out there:

There are pipeline futures, futures that are already in alignment and in the process of coming into manifestation. Some of these are beautiful, and some are ugly, and there are a bunch between beautiful and ugly. They might be futures that have been seeded with pieces of our past.

For example, if I hold a belief that I was never loved as a child, and I will never really be loved by anyone — if I hold it that nothing has come easily, that it’s always been a struggle and I don’t expect it to be any different in the future — if I think that so many people in my family have been sickly and have had major health concerns – then Pipeline Futures of being rejected or abandoned in love, more struggle, or illness could be coming my way.

Seeds of the past become the fodder of the futures that will be possible. There are fantasy futures that are simply there to hold a resonance. There are Beacon or Radiant Futures that are drawing us toward them, but are never going to manifest. They aren’t supposed to manifest. They are only there to inspire us to become more.

So I think visioning begins with working with Pipeline Futures and Beacon Futures.

Oh, there are also Optimal and Optimum Futures. [s]

Anyway, this is what I do:

1. I begin with Pipeline Futures. I take inventory of what clinkers from my past are still making noise in my present. What beliefs are outmoded or inconsistent with who I am? What attitudes, thoughts, feelings — you get the picture — are still lingering in my reality? I think, meditate and follow the thread of the clinker into the future. I find it in the pipeline knowing it’s on the way to my world. Yikes. I then disarm that future. I take my energy back and disconnect it. I use my imagination. I ask for help. I ask for healing.

2. I continue working with the Pipeline Futures by looking for the ‘beautiful noise’ that comes from my past. I look for the beliefs, thoughts, feelings, realizations, and even the successes, and I listen for the function and for the beauty of those things. Those are also seeds in the pipeline. I go there and give the energy that I have taken from the ‘bad seeds’ to the good ones. I augment and embellish the positive Pipeline Futures. Those two steps I find important for clearing away what can obscure and for embellishing and honing what can illuminate. Then …

3. I turn to my Beacon Futures. What are those? I don’t know. So I ‘make them up.’ [s] That is, I imagine them. I dream. I daydream. For example, I have a Beacon Future where I am nicely very old and sitting in a wonderfully comfortable chair reading, reading novels of my favorite authors like Virginia Wolfe or Hemingway. I see the room filled with books on shelves and piled on tables. The light is diffuse. I’m not sure what ‘diffuse’ even means. [s] I see my desk where I will sit down to write after I am done reading for the morning. See, I just imagine these sorts of things because these are the sorts of things that speak to me from my Soul. What they do is create a resonance.

4. Then I sit in the resonance and absorb it. I breathe in that resonance. I don’t question it. I don’t evaluate it. I just accept it, and then I surrender to it. I surrender my sense of separateness, and I become the resonance.

5. Now, through the eyes of resonance, I open to what’s there. Is it an entire future laid out before me? No. It’s a glimpse and then perhaps nothing more. It’s a fleeting thought or feeling or an idea that pops up, and, admittedly, sometimes it’s nothing at all. But then in the days or weeks that follow, I dream it. I think it. I feel it. Or someone says something, and I catch it.

6. I embrace whatever comes, vivid or vague. This step is important to me. I need to just hold it without judging it and without deciding what to do with it. I just hold it.

7. I do another meditation: I call it my ‘This or Better’ Meditation. See, I think back to what my life was like 15 years ago … when I was 50. I look back to 11 years ago when I was 54. What future did I vision then? The form of it isn’t anything I would have or could have imagined. But the current reality is so much more than I could have imagined. I couldn’t have visioned this as a future. I couldn’t have seen what I have now. But as I live my current life, the function that I visioned 15 years ago, the function behind the images I imagined, the function behind the futures I pretended or made up — that function is here. The service, the inspiring, the loving, the being loved, the laughter, the exploration, the adventure, the functions were hidden in the ‘made it up, pretended’ and imagined. And those functions have taken form here. I continue to make it up and pretend, and deeper more meaningful functions will be there, even if the wonderfully comfortable chair and all those books and my writing desk are not.

That’s what I think is the best way to vision the future. I would suspect if the images weren’t too clear … [s] Weak? No, I think it’s mightily strong to know without certainty. [s]

Well, that was longer than I expected. [s] Thanks for asking. It gave me an opportunity to organize my thoughts around this.

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